The Digital Era: Combining AI and IoT

Imagine an intelligent world where highways formulate warning messages and diversions, retail managers are alerted when a product is low in stock on shelves or cities are able to detect areas where power outages may occur before the event takes place.


As technology continues to expand and grow in new directions, artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) will continue to become more commonplace. It is simply impossible for humans to understand and review terabytes of data in a decent timeframe with accuracy. For improving speed and accuracy of analyzing data, AI in IoT is used.


It is important to understand how these two significant trends work together to benefit organizations and the average person alike. AI technologies possess the ability to quickly wring insights from data, creating new capabilities that allow organizations to identify patterns and detect anomalies. Predictions take place sooner, creating greater operational efficiency and accuracy.


There are many ways in which AI and IoT already work together and affect our daily lives without us even noticing.


  1. Google Maps analyzes the speed of traffic through the anonymous location data from smartphones, enabling Google to reduce travel time by suggesting the fastest route.
  2. Netflix uses machine learning (an application of AI) to recommend videos based on user behavior and program content.
  3. Spotify uses machine learning to figure out your likes and dislikes and provides you with a list of related tracks. Those Backstreet Boys songs that keep popping up? That’s no coincidence.


Organizations across the globe are already incorporating AI into their IoT applications and continue to see their capabilities expand because of the ability to find more insights in the data they possess. In an industry setting, AI and IoT can already be found as well.


  1. Personalized health monitoring in hospitals is a reality with machine learning that allows doctors to monitor the health of their patients and detect possible anomalies ahead of time.
  2. Retailers use machine learning to target online customers by offering them personalized recommendations based on previous activity or purchases, send email updates when prices fluctuate and send automated responses to help with customer service requests.
  3. The automotive industry has worked to incorporate incredible technology (adaptive cruise control, self-driving vehicles, transparent pillars) to make vehicles safer, help with communicaton and provide data when errors and accidents occur to help the industry move forward in troubleshooting issues.


With more than 75 percent of businesses investing in Big Data, the role of AI and machine learning is set to increase dramatically over the course of the next five years.  As AI continues to develop, it will continue translating the treasure trove of data coming out of IoT devices and give insight into new developments, processes and technologies of the future.

  IoTAIInternet of Things
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