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Six Steps to Structured Problem Solving

What happens when a big problem pops up?  For most of us, our first reaction is, “Quick!  Let’s fix it and make this problem go away.” However, if we rush to fix the problem too quickly, we may end up implementing a “solution” or “quick fix” that doesn’t solve anything because we didn’t take the…

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Are Mental Models Limiting Your Growth? – Lessons of Leadership

  Join Tom Brown, Executive Director of Operations at Brewer Science, as he shares inspirational leadership advice, and professional growth stories.   Mental Models could be limiting your growth if your assumptions of others are strictly based on first impressions. You need to get to know someone to truly understand their perspective. Allowing yourself to…

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Solving the Truck Driver Shortage Through AI

According to the American Trucking Association, there is a shortage of roughly 50,000 truck drivers across the country. In 2017, the ATA predicted the trucking industry would experience the highest level of driver shortfall, and by 2026 the ATA estimates the shortage could swell to over 174,000 drivers. Dr. John Kent, Clinical Associate Professor in…

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