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Brewer Science earns Zero Waste to Landfill certification for exceptional recycling program

Brewer Science employees already see how little goes to waste in their work environments. Now, they have further proof of that achievement. Click to enlarge   Earlier this year, Brewer Science facilities in Rolla and Vichy earned Zero Waste to Landfill Certification after an in-depth audit confirmed they contribute zero waste to landfills. Brewer Science…

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Multi-layer: A better solution in manufacturing

When faced with a difficult problem, it’s hard to know which way to go. Technology and semiconductor manufacturing certainly have their fair share of challenges. The biggest one (or at least the most recurring) is that demand for smaller and smaller feature sizes is greater than our ability to manufacture them. There’s always the quick…

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Planarization Innovations Help Semiconductors Go Even Smaller and More Complex

Imagine you’ve decided to undertake a home improvement project; you’re going to lay tile in the downstairs powder room. To begin, you remove the old vinyl flooring. Underneath are clumps and channels of dried adhesive atop a concrete slab foundation that looks like a miniature lunar landscape. In order to ensure your tiling project has…

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In a world where you can be anything, Brewer Science chooses to be an environmentally responsible technology leader

The choice to be environmentally responsible began when the company was founded in 1981. The owner of Brewer Science, Dr. Terry Brewer, was focused on creating value for our customers through original technology products in the semiconductor market. As Brewer Science invented new products and technologies and manufactured them, Dr. Brewer continued to instill confidence…

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Printed Electronics Market Spurs Industry-Wide Opportunities

The growing use of actionable information in new ways to make better decisions is driving brisk growth in printed electronics (PE) and sensors. According to BCC Research, the global market for sensors should grow from $173.4 billion in 2019 to reach $323.3 billion by 2024 – a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.3%. Where…

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Discover Your Potential with Brewer Science

Uncover endless possibilities with Brewer Science, a leading innovator in technology. Each year, we offer a variety of internships, co-ops and post-doc opportunities to those seeking a career in technology. Opportunities range from traditional science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs to business development and purchasing, to name a few. “Brewer Science is not only…

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Diversity Breeds Innovation, and We’ll Showcase Both at IMAPS

  Since our inception, Brewer Science has been strongly committed to cultivating diversity. And we do so for one primary reason: a broad range of backgrounds leads to better ideas and more innovation. But diversity in and of itself isn’t enough; we seek out truly unique talent that will bring the right mix of education,…

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Thermal slide debonding for temporary bonding processes (Part 1 of 3)

The microelectronics industry is rapidly migrating to fabricating 3-D wafer stacking interconnects using through-silicon via (TSV) technology. Major market segments seeking to benefit from TSV technology include advanced packaging for memory/logic, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and compound semiconductor (III-V) high-power radio-frequency (RF) devices. In this cutting-edge technology, fragile device substrates are bonded to carrier substrates with…

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Developer options for spin-on photosensitive materials

Developing photosensitive film layers to produce features of targeted sizes is a critical process step within any photolithography application. Application engineers have created several processes for performing this step with tank immersion (that is, a bath) and/or several adaptations of spin developing a single wafer to make patterns of features based on film areas of…

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How does Brewer Science help grow STEM?

As part of the manufacturing and innovation industry, Brewer Science relies on the growth of STEM education, jobs, and overall interest in the subjects to maintain our business model in the U.S. Our president and founder, Dr. Terry Brewer, addresses three main initiatives to help ensure the growth of STEM: Expand STEM opportunities in the…

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