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Brewer Science’s 10 Wastes to Become Lean

Brewer Science motivates a culture for continuous improvement. One of the focuses we continue to improve upon is eliminating waste, not only in an effort to become more sustainable but also because of the importance Lean Manufacturing plays in providing superior quality to our customers. Our emphasis on Lean Manufacturing allows for improved efficiency and…

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The Challenge Doesn’t Stop at Certification: Post-B Corp Certification Reflections

Nearly one year after becoming the semiconductor industry’s first Certified B CorporationTM by meeting the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility, Brewer Science still finds itself faced with a number challenges associated with upholding the B CorpTM mission. Following are five main challenges we are working to tackle in our ongoing pursuit to fulfill…

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Missouri Enterprise recognizes Brewer Science as a Champion of Change

  The history of Brewer Science is a testament to what aspiring to be the best can bring. By seeking continuous improvement and welcoming assistance through a local partnership, Brewer Science shares a journey of humble beginnings to becoming a world-class manufacturer. Founded on values. The foundation of Brewer Science is unlike any other chemical…

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What is STEM education, and what value does it provide to industry?

STEM is an acronym used to represent the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. The STEM acronym originated during an interagency meeting on science education at the National Science Foundation, and it is frequently discussed in debates about education and how to prepare more qualified candidates for high-tech jobs. STEM education and jobs include…

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What is temporary bonding and why is it needed?

What makes it possible for our smartphones, tablets, gaming systems, networking devices, and everyday electronics to operate at faster speeds, process more information, and continue to shrink in size? Until now, the answer has included a number of advanced technologies and processes that have allowed the microelectronics industry to double the number of circuits in…

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Five Steps to Better Goal Setting – SMART Goals

Setting goals is an important aspect of development and continued growth. Whether the goal is personal, professional, team-driven, or company-driven, having a “SMART goal” outlined will allow stakeholders to be productive in achieving the specified objective.   What are SMART Goals? SMART goals are goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based. The SMART…

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Four Technologies for Smart Farming

The agriculture industry is essential in providing food for large populations. The global population will reach 9.6 billion by 2050 and, as demands on yield and production continue to increase, farmers continue to rely on fertilizers to ensure crop growth. A problem arises, however, when unused fertilizer seeps into the ground and surface water, where…

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Turn Your Camera On – A Key to Better Meetings

Like most companies, Brewer Science is encouraging employees to work remotely to alleviate the spread of the COVID-19 virus. A remote workforce leads to virtual meetings – something we have all become very familiar with, and in some cases, too comfortable with. Turning off the camera may allow you to stay in bed with pajamas…

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What is the Internet of Things?

The “Internet of Things” (IoT) was first defined in 1999. Basically, the IoT is defined as a network of physical objects that are embedded with electronics that enable the objects to provide greater value and service. Although the basic meaning of the term remains the same, devices—key components of the “things” referred to in the…

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DataStream™ System: Connecting the Semiconductor Industry

There you are, working away at your desk when that dreadfully random thought pops into your head: “Man. I wonder if those eggs in my refrigerator are still OK.” We’ve all been there. Naturally, you reach for your smartphone and open up the app connected to your egg tracker to see how they are. That’s…

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