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Geothermal Power Offers Key Benefits for Sustainable Manufacturing

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), U.S. production and consumption of non-hydro renewable energy sources (i.e., biofuels, biomass, geothermal, solar, wind) set new records in the first half of 2018. Of these sources, geothermal, while still relatively nascent in its implementation, holds great promise. Integrating geothermal systems for heating and cooling into a…

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From the Bottom Up: Making More Room with Selective Surface Modification

Richard Feynman, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965, gave a famous lecture titled “There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom.” Today’s microelectronics process engineer, in the context of conventional top down lithography, would find it difficult to accept this statement without a long list of caveats. Aggressive scaling demands for newer generations…

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How can glass survive rigorous back end processes?

Brewer Science is headed to the CS ManTech conference May 18 through 21!  CS ManTech is a respected organization focused on providing a forum for members of the compound semiconductor community to exchange and discuss new ideas. At this year's conference, we’re excited to share our findings regarding the ability of glass to be used…

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Futuristic Approach with Directed Self-Assembly

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3-D Stacking and the Future of Integrated Circuits

In the early 1970s, Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore coined the famous Moore's Law, predicting that the number of transistors in integrated circuits (and by extension, processing power) would double each year from then on. Though more of an observational musing than a physical law, it has been remarkably accurate ever since. The principle of Moore's…

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Brewer Science continues push toward zero-landfill status

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Temporary Bonding and the Importance of Thermal Stability

Noted author and futurist Ray Kurzweil wrote back in 2001, "We won’t experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century — it will be more like 20,000 years of progress. . . ." From the invention of the first integrated circuit in 1958, technology has evolved at an unbelievable rate, and, as Kurzweil suggests, that won't…

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Where is the spin-coating industry headed?

We sat down with our engineers to get their insights on where the spin-coating industry is headed. We were met with an overwhelming response identifying the need for data streaming in real time. Although the spin-coating process is considered to be very efficient, there is always room for improvement. Real-time data monitoring and process transparency…

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3 ways 3D printing is changing the world

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Embedded Wafer-Level Ball Grid Array

The terms "quantity" and "quality" are often discussed in "either/or" scenarios. On one side, you get a lot of something. On the other side, you get the best of something else. In these scenarios, you can't have both, at least not at the same time. In the semiconductor industry, there is constant innovation and limit…

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