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Brewer Science innovating to meet IoT-driven memory needs

Picture this: In four short years, Gartner Inc. predicts, the Internet of Things (IoT) will have expanded to a mind-blowing 26 billion units. That’s partly because component costs are decreasing and the devices are efficient enough to allow a huge variety of devices, both simple and complex, to be connected to the IoT. As such,…

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Control the Light, Change the World

Light is energy. It’s a simple statement that holds almost unfathomable implications. The earth and its inhabitants as we know them would not exist without the power of light. It warms the planet and is a crucial element of weather and climate. It fuels our entire food chain and is key to the process that…

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Learned R&D director (and master mimic) looks to fast-paced future

  Back in the day, Rama Puligadda came close to becoming a medical doctor, but a venture into chemistry led her down a different path. Today the native of New Delhi, India, holds an impressive three separate master’s degrees focusing on chemistry, polymer engineering/technology, and chemical engineering. But her motivation to learn hasn’t slowed. “Learning…

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Glass Steps Into the Temporary Bonding Spotlight

Whoever first coined the cliché “Don’t sweat the small stuff” didn’t work in nanotechnology. It’s a phrase that helps us put things into perspective. But if you’re in the compound semiconductor industry and measure things in micrometers, the small stuff is the only stuff worth sweating. There are two general obstacles that IC manufacturers struggle…

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The batteries powering the flexible revolution

If you were to crack open an iPhone, Samsung Galaxy or any other consumer electronic device, you’d see that a large, rectangular relic takes up about 40 percent of the interior: the battery. A durable and long-lasting battery is certainly an important feature in mobile and wearable devices, but current lithium-ion battery technology, as powerful…

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Advanced Materials: Disrupting an Industry

The more things change, the more they stay the same. No, we're not talking about our favorite Bon Jovi lyrics. We're talking about semiconductor manufacturing. The technology industry changes almost in front of our eyes. The raw materials we're using, however, haven't really changed much over the last couple of decades. Basically, our palette is…

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Is the fourth industrial revolution already happening?

Is smart manufacturing about to usher in a fourth Industrial Revolution? According to some experts, it’s already underway. While smart devices drive much of the conversation around connectedness, “smart processes” are at the forefront for industry leaders in the world of manufacturing. We’re on a journey to connect the far reaches of the manufacturing world…

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How nano is helping solve the world's water crisis

There is no resource on Earth more precious than water. Every single living organism on this planet would be unable to survive without it. It’s shocking to think, however, that so many have trouble accessing it. At least 1.8 billion people globally use a contaminated drinking water source, according to the World Health Organization, and…

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The few, the proud, the disruptors: Brewer Science joins ranks of game changers

One of the buzzwords in manufacturing is “disruptive technology.” Like many buzzwords, the phrase is starting to be generically applied; many now use it to describe anything new or innovative. But that’s not really accurate: Truly disruptive inventions go a step beyond the fresh and new to actually displace an existing market, industry or technology.…

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Anniversary of innovation: Brewer Science celebrates 35 years

It started with a scientist in a block building located in rural Missouri, forging forward on a shoestring budget out of belief in one groundbreaking idea. Since then, Brewer Science has invented multiple products and processes that have furthered the microelectronics industry, created jobs, and generated economic value to the region, the state, and national…

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