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Thermal slide debonding for temporary bonding processes (Part 2 of 3)

In addition to precisely controlling application of the materials that enable wafer bonding, a solvent-enriched sealed spin chamber contributes to process integrity. One of the most critical variables in achieving optimal uniformities at the desired target thickness is airflow dynamics. Ideal conditions are created in a sealed chamber with a prewet solvent nozzle, a backside…

  Wafer-Level packaging Click Here to Read More

Thermal slide debonding for temporary bonding processes (Part 1 of 3)

The microelectronics industry is rapidly migrating to fabricating 3-D wafer stacking interconnects using through-silicon via (TSV) technology. Major market segments seeking to benefit from TSV technology include advanced packaging for memory/logic, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and compound semiconductor (III-V) high-power radio-frequency (RF) devices. In this cutting-edge technology, fragile device substrates are bonded to carrier substrates with…

  Wafer-Level packaging Click Here to Read More

Developer options for spin-on photosensitive materials

Developing photosensitive film layers to produce features of targeted sizes is a critical process step within any photolithography application. Application engineers have created several processes for performing this step with tank immersion (that is, a bath) and/or several adaptations of spin developing a single wafer to make patterns of features based on film areas of…

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Finding Nano: Where Will DSA Lead Us Next?

In its constant quest to innovate, Brewer Science is continually on the cutting edge of what is next. We are currently combining directed self-assembly (DSA) and lithography to achieve sub–10 nm nanostructures. DSA uses block copolymers to generate arrays of self-assembled shapes such as lines or cylinders; the spatial arrangements of the resulting features can…

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Brewer Science technology, forecasts highlighted in Chip Scale Review

In recognition of its progress with temporary bonding and thin wafer handling, Brewer Science was featured in the November/December issue of Chip Scale Review. The feature discusses the company’s use of wafer-level packaging (WLP) technologies in semiconductor segments, including fan-out WLP (FOWLP); fan-in wafer-level chip-scale package (FI-WLCSP); 3-D FOWLP; 2.5-D integration with interposer technology; and…

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Applications within the Internet of Things Part 2

The Internet of Things (IoT) includes a number of different applications throughout a wide assortment of industries. In our first breakdown of applications within the IoT, we discussed how Brewer Science creates materials for sensors and MEMS devices essential to the development of IoT applications. Now we’ll take a look at our involvement with control…

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Applications within the Internet of Things, Part 1

The Internet of Things (IoT) has made substantial strides since first being envisioned in 1999, having moved beyond machine-to-machine communications, toward impacting a variety of industries with “smart” devices. Nearly 26 billion devices will be connected to the IoT by 2020, according to technology research firm Gartner, Inc., and the majority of these devices fit…

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Adhesives: Ultrathin Wafer Production's Little Giant

Anyone who has worked in a fancy restaurant can tell you that the small details make the biggest impact. The food has to be perfect, yes. But even a simple thing such as the way the napkins are folded or how often your water is refilled can make a lasting impression on the patrons. Oftentimes,…

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Learned R&D director (and master mimic) looks to fast-paced future

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Glass Steps Into the Temporary Bonding Spotlight

Whoever first coined the cliché “Don’t sweat the small stuff” didn’t work in nanotechnology. It’s a phrase that helps us put things into perspective. But if you’re in the compound semiconductor industry and measure things in micrometers, the small stuff is the only stuff worth sweating. There are two general obstacles that IC manufacturers struggle…

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