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Laser-focused partnership: Missouri and Brewer Science bond well

When scouting out locations for commercializing his new product idea, a young Terry Brewer wanted a place where he could cultivate a well-rounded, highly creative workforce. It’s fortunate for the microelectronics world that rural Missouri turned out to be a perfect fit. Rolla-based Brewer Science, Inc. (BSI) is now a global leader in helping create…

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Transistors are about as small as they can get. What now?

For most of the relatively brief history of modern computing, progress has been measured in shrinking by nanometers. By making transistors smaller and smaller, engineers have been able to pack more transistors on smaller chips. More transistors per chip mean faster, more powerful computers that can fit into smaller devices. These microprocessors have made possible…

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Inventors' Day roundup: Some of the coolest consumer innovations of 2016

Since 1983, Inventors’ Day has been used as an excuse for classrooms across the nation to stage fun experiments. This year’s Inventors’ Day, set for Feb. 11, will likely be no exception. Established by President Ronald Reagan in 1983, the annual event honors all inventors and entrepreneurs across the world. But it specifically commemorates the…

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Many entrepreneurs have these 5 personality traits

It’s the old nature-versus-nurture argument: Is the ability to be an entrepreneur something you’re born with, or something you instill in yourself? Good news for introverts and late bloomers: Research shows the most important skills can be acquired over time. A look at successful entrepreneurs throughout history, in fact, depicts a wide range of ages,…

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Tech around the tree: 18 holiday gifts reflecting scientific innovation

Through the years, Brewer Science has been a major innovator in finding ways to improve consumer goods. Our work in anti-reflective coatings, for example, helped revolutionize the global microelectronics industry by allowing for higher-speed, lighter-weight, ultrapowerful devices. No longer must microprocessors depend on decreasing feature size to increase speed and power in any given product.…

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Building Future Leaders. Together.

At Brewer Science, we believe in empowering and building the next generation of leaders. Through local and global STEM efforts, we are growing and equipping the leaders, go-getters, and innovators of tomorrow. What is STEM? STEM is an acronym used to represent the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. The whole economy is backed by…

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Disciple of degrees: Brewer Science program manager is scholar extraordinaire

Walter Barnes’ career could have taken a number of different directions before he joined Brewer Science. And if his hugely impressive resume is an indication, he could have excelled in any or all. The highly ambitious Jacksonville, Florida, native has snapped up a series of advanced degrees. The roll call is staggering: Brewer Science’s senior…

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The future of wearable electronics

We know what’s available now, but what we'd like to know is what’s on the horizon for wearable electronics. The wearable industry will be worth $19 billion by 2018, according to Juniper Research, and plenty of current and upcoming industry players will be rushing to market with the latest and greatest devices. The wearable health…

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Two types of wearable electronics: devices & apparel/textiles

The wearable electronics business has ballooned into a $20 billion industry in 2015, and experts believe it will hit $70 billion by 2025. The major players in the market are wearable devices, such as activity trackers and apparel. The health care sector has found great success in wearable tech, as it blends medical information, fitness,…

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Brewer Science to teach and learn at Tokyo’s SEMICON Japan 2015

Continuing our multi-year tradition, Brewer Science is joining hundreds of other worldwide exhibitors in showcasing our latest technologies Dec. 16–18 at the 38th SEMICON Japan, the largest annual gathering for the semiconductor manufacturing industry. This year we highlight our BrewerBOND® materials, temporary bonding equipment suite, and ARC® materials at the Tokyo International Exhibition Center event,…

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