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3 ways 3D printing is changing the world

3D printing is over 30 years old. Yes, you read that correctly. The first 3D printer was invented (and patented) during the same era that velour tracksuits were all the rage and the solo artist Michael Jackson dominated the radio airwaves, according to 3D Printing Industry. While many see 3D printers as a luxury, and…

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Embedded Wafer-Level Ball Grid Array

The terms "quantity" and "quality" are often discussed in "either/or" scenarios. On one side, you get a lot of something. On the other side, you get the best of something else. In these scenarios, you can't have both, at least not at the same time. In the semiconductor industry, there is constant innovation and limit…

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Solutions to Manufacturing's Water Problem

  You show me someone who lives in a low-lying area and I’ll show you someone who understands how damaging water can be. Water is essential to all life here on earth. The planet is mostly water. Our bodies are mostly water. Life as we know it would not exist were it not for the…

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Conquering counselor: Brewer Science researcher-turned-lawyer battles for patents

Becky Rich started her career at Brewer Science in research. But it was a fortuitous day for the company when it was able to lure her back after she returned to school to pursue her law degree. The accomplished Intellectual Property Manager won praise from Brewer Science leaders in September for the important part she…

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Wafer-Level Packaging and the Mobile Revolution

Back in September and this past March, Apple held its biannual Special Events. These events are meant to introduce new products and features, and they happen quite regularly. These two recent events, however, seemed to leave something out: computers. September’s presentation was over two hours long and didn’t once mention the flagship devices that put…

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Artificial Intelligence: Sinister or sensational?

In 1997, a feat of artificial intelligence (AI) was on international display when Deep Blue, an IBM-designed computer program, took down Garry Kasparov, a grandmaster and World Champion, at his own game: chess. What may seem like a silly publicity stunt was actually the fulfillment of decades of engineering. To most of the world, AI…

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Small sensors having a big impact in Rio

The modern Olympic games haven’t changed much over the last 120 years. Sure, about 19 sports and another week and a half have been added to the games since the first modern-day Olympiad in 1896. But other than that, the spirit of international competition and the pride of representing one’s country have remained the most…

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3 reasons we're really excited about flex sensors

There seems to be a preconceived notion out there that you can be either pretty good at many things or extremely proficient at one. You may recognize the popular title given to one who embodies this belief: “Jack of all trades, master of none.” The only way to achieve true proficiency, according to this reasoning,…

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A quick look under the hood of an autonomous car

Whatever your preconceived notion of autonomous cars are, companies like Tesla and Google are bringing autonomous cars out of the sci-fi world and into a new reality — and just in time. Studies show that 90 percent of all traffic accidents occur due to driver error. While past advances have helped us make vehicles more…

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DSA: How far we've come and how much farther is left to go

To the average consumer, the path of new technology looks pretty linear. A cool new concept emerges, scientists figure out how to manufacture it, and pretty soon consumers can find it in a product. But people who work in technology know that’s hardly ever the case. On September 9th, Darron Jurajda, the Brewer Science Semiconductor…

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