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Expanding our Ecosystem

Brewer Science has always had a reputation for innovative research.  As a company, we have constantly pushed ourselves to not only work at the cutting edge of the industry but to push past that and address the future needs of the industry.  As we continue to plan for the future needs of the lithography industry,…

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Of smart cities and problem solving: Brewer Science’s printed electronics set to meet future demand

In the not-too-distant future, we may routinely see smart food labels wrapped around meat packaging to digitally count down its expiration date. Perhaps a tiny device stuck to your car windshield will provide you a continual weather forecast, or a patch worn around your wrist will monitor your blood sugar levels in real time. All…

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Focusing and prioritizing what’s on your plate: 4 tips for your manufacturing team to embrace

Brewer Science embraces the employee-first culture by equipping their employees with the tools they need to be successful. To initiate our continuous manufacturing improvement initiative that started in 2014, our team had to learn how to define our focus and understand how to prioritize by level of importance within their role and within the company’s…

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2018 Outlook for Advanced Packaging Materials

Advanced packaging is moving mainstream as manufacturers continue to seek ways to improve device performance beyond traditional scaling. The semiconductor industry is also witnessing increasing investments in packaging, in terms of capabilities, capacity, and infrastructure from the assembly and packaging houses. All this attention on packaging is primarily driven by the need to deliver highly…

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Brewer Science sees a STEM future in Project Lead the Way

As a staunch longtime supporter of STEM education, Brewer Science was a natural fit when it came to establishing a partnership with Project Lead the Way (PLTW) a decade ago. The national nonprofit based out of Indianapolis, Indiana, creates hands-on learning experiences for K-12 students and teachers across the U.S., focusing on the STEM skills…

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Creativity and imagination: How Brewer Science products are conceived and developed

Dr. Terry Brewer and his cohorts founded Brewer Science with an extraordinary idea, and through the years that tradition of continual experimentation, innovation and the pushing of boundaries has become a major component of the company’s success. A company culture that encourages and supports new ideas from multiple sources — including the minds of any…

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Calling up the capable: Science-based jobs set to skyrocket by 2026

By now it’s common knowledge: Many of the most promising career fields in the next decade will be driven by the medical needs of aging baby boomers. Thanks to the whirlwind pace of the digital world and the automation that’s enabling it, jobs driven by technology will be the second-fastest-growing sector. All in all, the…

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Hurdling Challenges With High-Temperature Spin-On Carbon Materials

The race to advance front-end lithography has seen previously insurmountable roadblocks become some for the industry’s greatest achievements. Brewer Science has been a market leader in advanced lithography breakthroughs starting with the invention of bottom anti-reflective coatings in 1981. Today, Brewer Science maintains a broad array of materials to meet the industry’s needs as we…

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The Digital Era: Combining AI and IoT

Imagine an intelligent world where highways formulate warning messages and diversions, retail managers are alerted when a product is low in stock on shelves or cities are able to detect areas where power outages may occur before the event takes place.   As technology continues to expand and grow in new directions, artificial intelligence (AI)…

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Solving the Truck Driver Shortage Through AI

According to the American Trucking Association, there is a shortage of roughly 50,000 truck drivers across the country. In 2017, the ATA predicted the trucking industry would experience the highest level of driver shortfall, and by 2026 the ATA estimates the shortage could swell to over 174,000 drivers. Dr. John Kent, Clinical Associate Professor in…

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