SPIE: Advanced Lithography

February 28 - March 2, 2017

February 28 - March 2, 2017
San Jose, California

February 28- March 2, 2017
San Jose, California

Booth: 110

Molecular force modeling of lithographyInvited Paper
Zhimin Zhu, Brewer Science, Inc. (United States)
Session 4: 3D Resist Effects and Modeling
Tuesday, February 28th 2017
4:10 – 6:00 PM
Location: Convention Center 220C

Highχ block copolymers for directed self-assembly patterning without the need for topcoat or solvent annealing
Kui Xu, Mary Ann J. Hockey, Richard Daugherty, Eric Calderas, Daniel Sweat, Jeffrey Fiehler, Michaela Veik, Brewer Science, Inc. (United States)
Session 11: DSA Novel Materials
Wednesday, March 1st 2017
1:50 – 2:10 PM
Location: Convention Center 220C

A track process for solvent annealing of high-χ BCPs
Douglas J. Guerrero, Brewer Science, Inc. (Belgium); Harold W. Stokes, SCREEN SPE Germany GmbH (Germany); Xavier Chevalier, Arkema S.A. (France); Ahmed Gharbi, CEA-LETI (France); Kaumba Sakavuyi, Brewer Science, Inc. (United States); Célia Nicolet, Arkema S.A. (France); Raluca Tiron, CEA-LETI (France); Kui Xu, Brewer Science, Inc. (United States); Isabelle Servin, Laurent Pain, CEA-LETI (France)
Session 11: DSA Novel Materials
Wednesday, March 1st 2017
2:30 – 2:50 PM
Location: Convention Center 220C

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